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About Us

Bstellar® Group Inc. helps private & nonprofit companies create strategies that foster the development of sustainable, equitable and inclusive communities. We develop proposals that strengthen government priorities. We help our clients understand government policies, mandates and advocate for more equitable public policies. We specialize in expanding innovation hubs, business incubators and tech companies.

We also provide career and business development coaching, as well as workshops in soft skills and professional development, such as, Public Speaking, Leadership Networking and Event Planning. Each seminar is tailored to our clients needs and incorporates practical solutions. We use a hands on and interactive approach, which makes our seminars fun and engaging. 


Company Objectives

Bstellar® Group Inc. inspires individuals and companies to ignite their inner essence by filling a void in the the market place by helping non-profits, as well as, small and medium size companies develop a government relations strategy that will amplify community development principles. Our goal is to help our clients craft a clear and concise message that will create a balance between our clients’ vision and best practices for community development. Our mission is to ensure that clients achieve ethical objectives while remaining sustainable.